Thursday, March 14, 2019

Duties of a land surveyor

The term land survey that is extensively conducted by many a Surveying Company, is more of a scientific procedure that involves the overall measurement of all the dimensions of any given area. This includes the directions, horizontal distances, elevations, angles and the artificial structures that may be on any area on the earth’s surface. Such details are highly important for construction purposes and even designing maps and globes. 

The basic job profile of a Land Surveyor includes verifying and determining the boundaries of any given property and planning the development of the same by creating accurate maps for the same. Some of the main duties of a land surveyor are mentioned below

1. Documentation and research

This includes conducting research on legal limitations of the land and updating the public records, with relevant documents like maps and deeds.

2. Measurement of the land

The employees working in the Surveying Companies, visit sites, measure, and take into consideration, the elevation, contour and the location using specialized tools, designed for the same.
3. Disputes

The land surveyors, to the concerned parties, also report the land disputes involving encroachments and easements that occur on the property boundaries.

4. Boundary determination

Sometimes, when the definitive legal documents are not available, the land surveyors themselves determine the property boundaries. This is done by the help of appropriate mapping tools and by utilizing the knowledge regarding rules of evidence and the local laws.

In this way, the surveying companies handle the various processes of land inspection by taking the help of its experienced land surveyors.

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