Tuesday, April 14, 2020

A look at the importance of construction survey in Kelowna

Construction survey is widely considered a crucial phase of the planning process in construction and property development. Irrespective of the size or scale of projects, it can come in handy to provide vital information. Such details span the markers and reference points that can guide engineers and project managers during the construction of a new project or re-development of an existing one. 

Guidance on geographical limits 

Apart from doing its function as a guide for development, there are other uses for the Construction survey in Kelowna. It helps the team to set geographical boundaries to limit the scope of work. As a result, workers know exactly where to work and how far they can go without overstepping these boundaries. 

Such surveying work also conforms to municipal and regulatory guidelines, so that there is no infringement on neighbouring properties.  

What items are surveyed?

1 – Water line bends and underground piping system
2 – Determining points for curbs and gutter systems
3 – Building lay out-Gridlines, foundations corners, excavation offsets.
4 – Installing slope stakes that are positioned on top of the cut or toe of ground fill. The operator gets precise guidance where to position the hinge point so that the cut or fill activity is carried out without any hitch 

Our parting thoughts

A professional construction survey in Kelowna is undoubtedly the ideal technique to get detailed information about the land and set work boundaries for the team to adhere to.

For more details about Topographic survey Kelowna please visit our website: osdc.ca


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